Can seizures hinder or even cause you to lose some of your memory? For months now I have had small and subtle memory loss days after a small seizure. Is this common? I've had epilepsy for 21 years and never had this happen to me. But just over the past 6-7 months while I have been having seizures all day it began to happen.
I myself have complex partial seizures and most of the spells are active in and around my speech , language and memory center. Other times the spells trigger my arm and leg motion . My wife and kids have witness me w/ a bottle of Gatorade or pop and during the spell it would be in my hand and would throw it up and then catch it during my spell.
It is very possible. My spells Are locate around my speech,language , and memory center of the brain. If I have a spell in any of those area of the brain , I would stutter , forget what I was doing , get confused, and if it was a very bad day where I had many spells , it would make me exhausted.
The notebook idea is a very helpful one. I use my iPhone as my "notebook" because I always have it with me. I tried a traditional paper notebook but, annoyingly enough, I kept forgetting where I put the notebook. :)
My short term memory sucks. ConversAtions yesterday, last week. Staying focused and in my routine...
My neurologists have told me that it it depends on the focal point of the seizures. Mine begin in the left temporal lobe, where memories are created/stored - hence the problems. They hope that after the resection, other parts of the brain will take over some of the left temporal lobe function due to the plasticity of the brain.
Where To You Seek Or Find Treatment Or Medication? I Only Try To Only See Doctor When Needed.
Having Memory Problems- Anyone Have Ideas On How To Improve My Memory.