Has anyone tried cannabis or cbd oils? I have started smoking pot about a few months back and noticed less activity. Pros and cons?
It has helped me tremendously. I have fibromyalgia along with my epilepsy so my pain levels are through the roof at times. It has been a life saver more than once.
Yes it totally stopped my seizures when I started smoking pot about 40 years ago. It wasn t medical marajana it was just smoking pot at 14 years old that stopped my seizures. i m 55 years old now and have not had another seizure since
The research is actually very positive; actually, there are quite a few recent findings which clearly show (1) that the canniboid neuro-receptors are so prodigious that it appears the substance is a part of our evolutionary development through out history; and, (2) that it not only stabilizes hypersensitive nervous systems, but can heal damage from neuro-degenerative conditions like epilepsy, Alzheimers, schizophrenia, and MS. The only major con is that abuse can trigger schizotypal symptoms in a very small percent of the population, but that is literally less than 5% of the population who already have schizophrenia (a very very very very very small percentage of the population), and that getting a job that require a pee test could be problematic.
i would try it but it's not available in my state nor at a reasonable price
I've only really followed epilepsy in kids - there is a Facebook page "fighting for Amelia" medical cannabis results are phenomenal to say the least she is such an inspiration! Worth checking out and following for sure :)
Has Anyone Been Prescribed Cannabis Medication?
Cannabus Information
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