Has Anyone Noticed A Decline In The Quality Of Their Child's Speech Since Epilepsy Started?
My three year old had very good speech when this started out of the blue 4 months ago and now she is very hard to understand at times and her sentences are kind of broken up. Is this normal? What could be the reason for it? She has only had a few very short grand mal seizures, her main type is drop seizures (atonic) and head drops which are now under control with her medicine. This is bothering me so much because I've read of people losing their ability to speak with epilepsy and I'm not… read more
If there is a problem with speech it is affecting an area in the brain called the frontal gyrus (Broca's area), that area controls speech in everyone. Its located in the frontal lobe of the brain. You both have young children so their brains are still making new neural connects and growing. Their brain will not be completely developed until they are 25 years old. With all the dropping it could be causing some brain damage, but I'm not sure if that will be perminate or not because of their ages. When someone has trouble speaking that is known as Broca's Aphasia.
Hi, my 3 year old sons speech seems worse after a seizure very slurred and also if he has a change in meds, it does seem to even out again as more time passes between the seizures. He's never been the greatest talker though. I wonder if speech is the more complex of tasks so it takes the hit of a seizure first? Sorry not much help but wanted to share my experience. Xx
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