Kipper Side Effect: Lying?
I am wondering if anyone has noticed lying as a side effect of using Keppra? My daughter (8) has been taking Keppra for about 7 weeks now and we noticed that she has had some behavioural changes, one of which is constant lying. This is very out of character...wondering if this is something that may subside once she gets used to it?
Thank you for taking the time to answer,
One other thing to keep in mind is , that we all have different body chemistry. So we all react differently to meds. Some of us may have a mild effect, to moderate effect, to sever effect to the meds. Then there are some people who barely notice any effects from the meds. So until you experiment or try out different meds , you won't know what meds work better or worse.
i was told when i started keppra to take b vitamins (b6, b12, b complex plus c, and multivitamins) to help with side effects - like aggressive behavior. if i was you i would ask if that could help her with behavioral changes.
Seriously I think that more research is needed. Doping people up all the while still having to make a living and do it civilly because even though you have epilepsy you don't have seizures frequently enough to qualify for disability. It is maddening.
My daughter (9) has been on keppra since January of this year. I have noticed that she has been lying constantly. She has taken money out of my purse and said it was hers when I know for a fact it wasn't. This concerns me and my husband very much. We have never had a problem with her lying before and would love to know why it's happening. She has even said some not so nice things to her sisters and then said she never said it even when I heard her say it myself.
You daughter could be going through behavioral side effect from the Keppra. Which could be why she is lying.
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