Does Eliminating Gluten Improve Seizures?
Has anyone tried a gluten-free diet? I have read that there is a connection between celiac disease (which my mom had) and epilepsy (which she also had). I don't know if anyone else has celiac too, or has explored whether eliminating gluten improves seizures?
I am and it helps alot. I has tyroid issues so breads and things are not good for me.
Thanks so much - I've tried so many meds, now I am looking to making dietary changes to see of that helps (not going off meds but they haven't worked so I'm looking into other options too).
I have had celiac disease for about 15 years and have a fully Gluten free diet. I have had uncontrolled seizures regardless of my Celiac's flaring up or not. I wouldn't think that the two have any connection since when I was a baby I also had uncontrolled seizures but ate Gluten then.
Really? My neurologist never told me that - I've been a vegetarian for almost 20 years.
Being a vegetarian is definitely NOT recommended for epilepsy
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