Anyone Losing Hair As A Side Effect
I'm on lamictal, epilim and vimpat. Before I was diagnosed with epilepsy I had lovely long hair... Reasonably thick too. Now it's thin and it falls out easily. (Some misguided but well meaning old dear asked when had I started chemo. I wanted to cry). Any one else having this issue? Any suggestions on what to do?... Aside from wearing a wig or hat (I have a couple of hats)
Could epilim or one of the others cause this?
I am on lacosomide and lamotrigine and finding my hair is getting a lot thinner. I'm also on Thyroxine and insulin, cabergoline and citalopram so not sure which is having the effect
Lamictal is probably the cause. It can cause you to lose hair, normally just a little more comes off on the brush, but it can be more. Only solution I can think of is to go off of it, I'm sorry this happened to you.
No I didn't lose my hair
Not a lot to find on this...
Hair Loss With Medications.
Has Anyone Taken Zonegran And Had Hair Loss As A Side Effect?
Vimpat And Weight Lose