Controlled Until 2014 When Toxic Encephilopathy Resulted In Grand Map Seizure And Double Vision.
Tried many anti seizure meds and they only differ in intensity and duration, frequency fairly constant-when trying to nap in afternoon or starting with drowsiness 8-9 pm. Frequently awake with recurring seizures (my doc calls them episodes since I don't lose consciousness. A few puffs of medical marijuana allows me to return to sleep without fear of more seizures. Now trying Aptiom (sp?) after Dilantin, oxcarbazapene, carbazapene, kepra, lamictol, etc., etc.
I wonder if he would put me on Dilantin if it would also help my weight issue
I tried zonisamide with oxcarbazapene but it made little difference so I stopped zonisamide and added Dilantin (which had minimal effects too).
It didn't work by itself but with the zonaside it is working
No it didn't work.
Did lamitctal actually work for you
Epilepsy Diagnosis
Do You Know The Old And New Names For All Of The Epileptic Seizure Types?
Good Response To Vimpat?