Does Anyone Have Any Seizures That Present Similar To A Panick Attack? What About Before An Episode/after One?
It's happened quite a few times at bedtime most recently last night, i feel heavy and disconnected but also like my body is moving around, my eyes quickly moving around...
After my right lobe craniotomy on 12-16-2020 being a constant burden on my family unable to help out, drive or work had a couple of trips via ambulance to the ER. Seen for: 8/2/2021
Pseudo seizures & stress reaction
Psychomotor disorder due to medical conditions with delusions
Anxiety is definitely a factor
I hope you get yours under control
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member yeah i mean grand mal its a term i picked up here lol
I've been having constant INTENSE anxiety lately causing me to have extreme visual disturbances that seem like they are about to turn into my visual auras that happen before I have a gran mal seizure... which is a catch 22/vicious cycle because I get so scared that that in itself causes even more panic and my heart starts beating really fast and my vision gets worse and YES I feel like I'm having a panic attack and my eyes move around everywhere in this choppy way if that makes sense? I just changed my medication and that is when this all started happening to me as well- I haven't had any gran mals, but I have been having the exact thing you're talking about- thinking about it now, it happens badly at night (I think because laying in bed, looking into the darkness, it may have something to do with your eyes attempting to process light when there isn't any to process in addition to the fact that we may be laying there thinking about it so much that it is causing anxiety and panic), and I also feel the strange disconnect feeling, I would almost describe it as feeling more dumb or "out of it"... what meds do you take?
It's an Aura I've had them mine use to be I was scared everyone was leaving me.when I was Diagnosed at age 7 my family left me for 30 days in a hospital so I think that's where it came change med when I started Topomax I started no auras or seizures yeah God for years now!
Hi Crystal . If it's before your seizure , you could be experiencing an aura.
I've Been Having This Funny Feeling Going On In My Head All Day For Weeks Now Like Am Just Off Kneel And Not There.
What Can Stop An Autonomic Seizure? What Are Your Symptoms? I Get Diarrhea And Upset Stomach, They Resemble A Panic Attack.
AED Meds Worsening Seizures