Is it normal to get emotional out of no where! I have seizures & sometimes I get emotional for no reason! I don't know if from my medication or my hormones! Has anyone else felt like this
It could be any of a number of things from stress, tiredness, to medications to food not agreeing, to so many other things ....It's so hard to tell sometimes. If you suspect your hormones may be out of whack, I suggest going to your doctor and having him draw some blood to see where your hormone levels are. If you're getting ready to go through menopause, he'll be able to tell by the results of your blood tests. He can also tell if you med levels are too high or too low (which could play a factor) and adjust them accordingly. Also, you might want to consider having your doc refer you to a good nutritionist because food plays a role in emotional changes as well. For instance, when I get hungry or skip a meal it DEFINITELY effects my mood. If my sugar in my blood starts dipping down, I also start getting emotional and I'm not even a diabetic. You might want also want to consider taking a daily multivitamin & mineral supplement such as "One-A-Day Womens formula." I also take an extra dose of vitamin C twice daily (to help boost my immune system) and also a daily dose of iron since I'm anemic. But I'd consult your doctor before starting any of these extra supplements, incase you're taking a med that may cause you an adverse reaction.
Good luck!🍀
Yes epilepsy effecting the temprol lobe will cause panic and anxiety i had to be put on medicine for it
I am always emotional sometimes i will cry more when my seizures are acting up. There are times i will just cry for no reason and that will cause me to have a seizure so i try and stop myself from getting so emotional over things so i dont have seizures. Its all mind over matter
There are many meds out there that have the side effects of emotions and behavioral changes. You may want to research on their side effect.
Then again seizures can also cause your emotions to act too. Your seizures could possibly be running the emotional area of your brain . For the many out there have a similar reaction after a seizure. When they come out , they may feel sad , depressed, cry, angry 😡 or mad and etc.
Yeah I always feel emotional but I try not to show it especially at work
I've Been Told By My Friend And Past Care Assistant I'm To Emotional. Do Other Guys Get This? Or Anyone Else For That Matter?
Do You Find Seizures Are Linked To Your Emotions?
Does Anyone Ever Cry After Seizures?