I Don't Know But Wen I Had My Seizure I Was Aware It's After I Lost Consciousness Is That A Compex?
I don't get any warning that a seizure a going to occur. The seizure I have daily is a Tonic Clonic seizure where I loose consciousness, start kicking anything or anyone around me and sometimes fall backwards.
I think you are fabulous! You could turn your work situation into a positive one.Education for epilepsy.
Those guys at work probably never even knew the simple sz existed let alone what happens or it looks like.
In real life you taught them.I bet they'll never forget and be able to deal with in the future.Thanks so much .
I have Complex Partial Seizures (which is the most common form of seizures), but the form of my seizures is a potluck: I have had some Grand Mal (rarely) where I lose consciousness to reacting to a hallucination seizure to simply staring at wall The others I have not, but my subconscious mind is in control ("lost time") so I have no memory of anything other than the aura (which is, in fact, a Simple Partial Seizure for those with Complex Partial Seizures) thus gives me the memory of "part of the seizure". The reality is that this is only the memory of the simple partial seizure features beyond the typical aura for me (my deja vu feeling). Of course, I have learned in recent years that I have had seizures with no aura, these are even scarier because I have to play detective with what I can get from witnesses. I had one four years ago at work where I had insulted two co-workers and was almost fired and then disciplined for what my subconscious said to one of the people. I was lucky that one of the people that my subconscious insulted was a friend of mind, so he told me what I said to him. After explaining to him that I would never insult his quality of English considering it is not even his second language (He is from Haiti so he was taught French in school and learned the native language (Creo) from his family. He is fluent in both and pretty good in English considering he has only been learning as he goes since he has been in the USA on a green card. The only language that I am fluent in is English.) With this information, I was able to explain to the other co-worker who I insulted that it was a seizure with my subconscious speaking to her. And then I could explain to my boss. It is against the law to hold me responsible for what my subconscious mind says to someone.
Yes I also get an Aura / feeling before I get my epileptic seizures and only when I get the actual seizures I lose consciousness
I have complex partial seizures, I don't know I am having them, but after I have had the seizure and being in a world of my own, I know I have had one. There are many different types of seizures aren't there?
How Long Does It Normally Take To Regain Consciousness After A Seizure Has Ended?
What Exactly Is Awareness During A Seizure?
I Stare, And My Face Goes Blank When I Will Have A Seizure. During One, I Move My Eyebrows And Do Movements. What Is An Aura?