How Many Of You Have Had A Seizure From Doing A HIIT (high Intensity Interval Training) Workout?
I workout regularly and today I tried a new workout. It was a hiit workout (high intensity interval training) from turbo fire with chalene johnson. I thoughtit was really fun! Th re n I was thinking that was reallyfuuuunnn... Wowwww. Slow motion then I was walking. Then all of the sudden my son is telling me to just get up off of the floor. I looked around eberything wasin slow motion and I was laying on the floor. Apparently I had a drop seizure. When I was able to get up I stumbled my way into… read more
You don't need to over exert yourself because when you do the blood gets to rushing fast and the electrons in your brain get to moving too fast and then this is what sets a seizure off.
For some if they get overly exhausted it can trigger a seizure. Exercise helps mine, but if i go overboard I have a seizure
That makes alot of sense @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I run long distances- half marathons and such. When I was in high school I ran XC. My seizures were also out of control. I remember one day we were doing laps around the track. Out of accident, I ran 2 more laps than I was supposed to. I had a partial seizure while running- it caused some confusion. "Fortunately," nobody noticed. Not sure how that sounds but back then I was shy about my seizures. Didn't want my friends to know. Well I left practice early and had my mom pick me up from school. I don't think the excercise caused it- that was probably the only time it happened during Practice- I'll admit I do remember a few other times while running. Although stress, exhaustion, heat, sleeplessness are triggers for me.
If you don't know how well your body is going to tolerate high endurance exercises , it's better starting at low endurance exercises. Then gradually increase the exercise. High endurance exercises always put can trigger our seizures in a similar way, like stress.
Has Anyone Ever Tried "Gabapentin" For Your Epilepsy?
How Do Think Your Age Is A Factor In The Condition We Have, Does It Or Not?
? What Is Your Guess On The Amount Of Seizures You Think You Have Had Since The Diagnosis Of The Condition You Have? And Are You Ok With?