Medication That Prevents Headaches Leading To Seizures
I have had headaches in the past that if not treated lead to seizures. I have tried taking Paracetamol but they don't always work. I can't take Asprin because they can cause heart problems. Any advice?
Thank you all that responded x
My main headache trouble is after a grand mal usually end up in bed in the dark for coupld days with wet facecloth on myhead..Ibuprofen doesnt help much.One of those that wher you feel every step.
lots of comments, I guess this is a personal one. The headaches are common. Usually after seizure and I guess as a sign your brain is tired and you better get your meds on and rest.
My daughter doesn't have epilepsy. Rather, she has almost daily headaches resulting from Post-concussive Syndrome; [as a result of her serious sports concussion, she also has Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome]. Since over-the-counter pain killers don't work well, her headache doctor put her on Cambia, which she takes every time a headache arises. And it works. It requires a prescription.
Note, too, that it's a non-addictive, non-opioid-based pain killer. Be very careful with that. Don't just take anything a doctor/person offers you unless you are sure it's not an opiate.
Spending to much time staring at a computer screen and hot weather!
Do Anybody Else Get Headaches Just From Standing Back Up From Bending Over?
Video Eeg
Hello Everyone I’m Ariel My 14 Year Old Daughter Was Just Diagnosed With Epilepsy And What Causes This ?