I've recently noticed how much I tend to get lost in a conversation. I feel like I nod and act like I know what we're talking about and then have to ask what we talked about. Im sure it's something people can notice. Has anyone had these issues?
Absolutely! I find that if something is said that catches my attention, I'll "latch onto" that point and put so much thought into it that my attention towards the rest of the conversation kind of gets lost in the shuffle.
All the time! Alexander, I do the same thing when it comes to latching on to a particular point, and missing out on whatever came after it. It's an unusual situation when I'm able to watch a video without having to rewind multiple times. Grr...
Exactly! I find it especially difficult in a group of people, sometimes I just want to walk away because I just can't keep up with the conversation.
....I also have the lovely problem (lol!) of my seizures now coming out of the area of the brain where my short term memory is, which has pretty much eliminated my short term memory all together!! it doesn't make a difference anymore how the seizures or meds affect my memory themselves - it's the damage that the seizures have done to me now!!! ....but the only thing that I can say is that you learn how to deal with these things!!!
Add me in, @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member and @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member! And @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I, too, nod and appear to be following all that it is said while I linger on a previous point. I've found in situations in which I know I need to remember, I have to take notes by hand. Figuring out how to express what's being said in only a couple of words (something you don't necessarily need to do when transcribing by keyboarding) keeps my mind on the flow of the discussion, sorting through what's important and what isn't. I tell myself that I can go back later to linger over a thought or grab the moment to ask questions there and then.
Does Anyone Experience Concentration Issues, Mood Swings, And Tremor?
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