I am interested to know how many of you who have bad seizures wear glasses for either reading or long distance. Do you get headaches prior the seizure? I guess what I am getting at is has your optician diagnosed your eye problems correctly and put the right lenses in your glasses?
I think vision plays big role in epilepsy, so if you are prescribed glasses it is very important to stay on top of that I myself have issues when I'm reading at times the small letters can become kind of blurry lines In spirals set off migraines and worst case scenario seizure.
It does make a huge difference should also get a tint to keep from getting headache's
Im not sure but I think it does, Im about to check up on that cause I have an appointment soon with my specialist for my Borderline-glaucoma
I wear glasses for long distance. Whenever I get the aura before I have a seizure, I take my glasses off so they don't get broken.
Do you need glasses @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member? Do you not trust doctors? What are you asking this?
Ok, How Can Get These Glasses?
How Much Do They Cost,I Am Interested In Getting These Glasses
How To Get Glasses