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Do You Still Have Your License?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Orlando, FL

Something some said got to me. Not all forms of epilepsy make tou loose consciensness. I am always alart and and aware of several of my triggers. My sezuires are either absent, mind staring or simple/conplex jerks (like a cold chill).

I have complex partial seizures. My neurologist and I have talked about my license as I have brought it up. He sees no reason to revoke my license and my diagnosis does not require them to be.

Anyone else still have their license?

November 29, 2017
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member I’ve had the exact same seizures for 15 years they never occur during the day & I always have at least a 15 minute aura before. So why can’t I drive? I’m just as likely to have a heart attack as well should people who have had heart attacks before lose there license? I won’t even get into the drinking/drugs & driving that people do regularly

November 30, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Drunks that drive are just as much risky and they should know that to but they continue to drive if they have a accident or hit someone and there put right back on the rd. Plus anybody can pass out fall asleep while driving or even heart attack so then no one should drive,So were no different I say

November 13, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Yeah I was 18 when they took my license away for the first time. I have an aura that lasts about 10 maybe 15 min before I have my grand mal. But in Connecticut if you have 2 seizures. Which I did in the span of one week. Than they suspend it for 3 or 6 months. And since I'm brought to the ER Everytime. That means everytime they tell the DMV and my DR and my license is gone until my DR tells the DMV that I can drive. And honestly it is dangerous to be on the road if your an epileptic. As long as your medicine can control your seizures like mine does as long as I take it. Than yeah anybody should be able to drive.
Best wishes.
-Seth K-

December 1, 2017
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I wasnt free as I just didnt tell them and besides my sz last 6 seconds and I know when one was coming so I pulled over and have now been 25 yrs sz free, besides nobody should drive cause you could fall asleep or have a heart atack as you never know

April 6, 2021
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I lost mine years ago when I had a seizure while driving. I ended up in opposing traffic and only swerved because I heard an oncoming horn blaring. So I crashed into the other side! People thought I was drunk! The police actually scolded my daughter for allowing me to drive drunk. She got mad and screamed at him that I was epileptic, had a seizure and had NOT been drinking (it was 10am). He backed off right away and there was no arrest or even a ticket. But in my hospital stay from it, the neurologist came in and told me he had to have the state take away my license. In my state, you must be seizure free for a year and take a new test before you can get it back!
Just an aside, be careful when you fly. DON’T tell airline personnel that you are epileptic. Some require a release from your doctor that you’re seizure free for 6 months! I found that out the day before a flight once. Thank God my doctor was able to get me in, said that was bull-sh*t, and lied writing my release! 😂 I’ve found out since that is SO against HIPPA, but I didn’t know it at the time!

October 25, 2024

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