Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With OCD After Starting Treatment For Epilepsy?
My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with Rolandic Epilepsy 4 years ago when she was 8. I notice OCD symptoms after starting her Epilepsy medications. Doctors diagnosed with OCD now also. Some epilepsy medicine have made her OCD so bad that it was so disrupted to her life, and us as parents. The 5th medicine tried for Epilepsy works the best without severe side effects of OCD. She still has OCD but i think it started when treatment started. Has anyone else experienced OCD when you started… read more
It could help but then it has side effects as well and is very difficult to wean off of (have tried several times). Are there any non medication options to try first? Push your doctor to exhaust all of those options first before commiting to another medication. Trust your instincts as well to help her balance all she is managing. I have been doing yoga 3x a week for 20 years and I swear by it for self care (mentally, physically, my spirit, personal coping skills, self acceptance).
Our daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 4 and has been on keppra (did not tolerate), trileptal (stomach issues), and is now on lamotrigine and zonisamide. She is now 16. She has never been officially diagnosed with OCD but she has always been obsessive about her school work and really any task she has in front of her.
This trait does run in our family and since she was diagnosed at 4, we really do not know how much is her personality and how much is epilepsy/meds. I totally agree with finding outlets such as yoga or another exercise or hobby. When we discussed it with our neurologist he suggested an anti-depressant but we are trying to avoid this as she is already on so much medication. Blessings with your journey.
I have always had OCD but not that Dr.'s had to worry about it. I started having epilepsy at 8 & started OCD but not even on the same medication now.
Did you have the OCD diagnosed before your Epilepsy diagnosis. Her neurologist says if it gets worse putting on antidepressants like Zoloft could help OCD.
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