Please Check This Out
In the U.K. this lunch time on the news was a item on the ban of Sodium Valproate ([[treatment:Epilim):5886968c6b4dcc620a53edf9]]). Because of the dangers of it. They said go to G.P. if you are worried if you can look at the news on the internet I.T.N. news and it was on that.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member - here are some links... and also - and also -
On the last link if it says no results simply retype Epilum into the search bar and it’ll show all the stories over the last years.
Hope they are of some help.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
They've been in court trying to get compensation for those affected for years but most folk can't afford the lawyers. Can't beat a company that big.
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, I know I had to be pulled off one med as it could cause cancer many years ago - but I recently did develop cancerous cells in a number of areas. Had to have major surgery and they are happy with my progress thank God! Another med I was on became seriously toxic in my system and has led to damage to a number of my organs.
The drugs do lead to you having to take even more meds!! It’s a vicious circle - I’m on about 20 different medications now and all have their own side effects as you mentioned - hold with it though and always try to stay with your own team and General Practitioner (GP) as they’ll know your history.
Hope your doing well?
Talk2u soon,
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
Hi @A MyEpilepsyTeam Member, here are some of the links - sorry for the delay - and also - and also -
Hope these are of some use to you too Lynda. You are a great advocate for the community - you should be an Ambassador on MET.
Talk to you soon,
My Carers have my dinner ready for me,
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I went from taking a seizure every other day or 3 days if lucky to taking over a dozen a day at one point while on Epilum. Thankfully I was pulled from it very quickly. It should be banned!! I’ve yet to meet someone who’s epilepsy has improved thanks to that dangerous drug, has anyone found it beneficial? I’ll try and find a link to the story on ITV or bbc’s websites...
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Has Anyone Taken Medication 💊 In The Middle Of The Day ?