Temporal Lobe Seizures, Triggers
Have any of you found triggers for your episodes? I keep a log of whenever I have them, the severity, if I’m taking my meds regularly etc. I thought I was getting them when I was more on the stressed side, but I’ve been having them pretty frequently for the past week and haven’t been too stressed. They are so random. I won’t have any episodes for months at a time and then they just pop up out of no where. And it’s honestly the most terrible feeling, it’s almost indescribable. It’s that deja vu… read more
You describe the feeling very well. I was diagnosed in december & I have focal seizures. I have been keeping a log & a calendar to try to find any patterns or triggers but I haven’t been successful yet. I know stress can be a trigger but for my 6 seizures I had this week I wasn’t stressed at all for them & for 2 of them I was having fun with my friends. I hate the feeling afterward & it just feels like your off & it takes awhile to feel like yourself again. I also feel like they come in waves. The longest I’ve gone is 13 days back in January & my longest since then was 9 days & then I had 1 seizure for 5 days in a row & 2 on one of those days. I’ll usually go almost a week & then have 1 seizure for 3-4 days in a row. It’s so hard to predict when I might have 1 but then I try my hardest not to worry about it & make myself more stressed. It’s like the hardest mystery puzzle to solve ever!!
Menstruation and PMS. Hormonal changes have always been my downfall.
Hmmacines: I also have temporal lobe seizures (complex-partial), and I've figured out that my aura is a sudden chill that runs through me where I'll get goose-bumps. I'm trying to learn of a way to go into some sort of concentration on it and only it. I stop anything else that I'm doing ASAP, but I don't know if this is really the cause for so many times when a seizure doesn't follow or not. I also get the deja-vu of years ago, which all seem to be as clear as can be! One freaky thing happened a year ago: After a seizure occurred I looked at this friend and said: "I knew you in the 1980's from 1st street! You did this and I did that, etc...". It was weird, because then she started to recognize me too. I remembered where she worked and a few other things. That era was as clear as could be! Jeff PS-As a safety step, turn down your water heater to a temp. so that your skin will not be burnt when using the HOT by itself. I ended up with 3rd degree burns over 33% of my body in the shower when I had a seizure, and was in a coma for 2 months. Jeff Curtis
I have temporal lobe and I felt EVERYTHING you're feeling before my surgery last year November. Although my seizures were 3 or more times a fortnight. Are you taking any of these medicines I'm taking? Keppra, Lamictal and Tegretol. It might be a side effect as well but for me most of the time, seizure is coming.
Hello.... I just read your description of your seizures, and am comforted to know that is very similar to what has been happening to me. I am just beginning the steps of diagnosis.
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