Has Anyone Noticed An Absence Seizure “trying” To Happen While Still Adjustig Medication?
I never was aware of my absence seizures- both a blessing and curse. Now ive started medication ive noticed a couple of times a weird pulling or drowsy sensation but ive managed to “hold on and pay attention!” . Has anyone else experinced that? Its the first time ive felt this.. im now aware enough of my seizures and its strange..
Yes I recently went through this and yesterday while visiting, i really found it a struggle. I have been keeping In contact with my neurologist weekly while we have been changing meds. I am on 200 mg vimpat twice a day and 50 mg topimate twice a day.
A few times I had to tell them sorry sit there blank, for a minute or two and then we carried on for a 1/2 hour to an hour, then the same thing sit there collect my thoughts and carry on.
I had this happen after I finally got on some med combinations that were shortening my seizures. My impression was always that I was experiencing a less intense seizure than previously so I was able to be aware it was happening. I hate it tho. Almost prefer not knowing I’m having a seizure and jumping back into life
Yes I felt this over a year ago during class. During the time I thought it was daydreaming/getting distracted with my racing thoughts (got yelled at right before class) and not due to my absence seizures. I didn't know something was really wrong until my professor was smiling, winking, and nodding at me. (BTW...she didn't know I had epilepsy either). In the past normally when I had absence seizures I don't really notice them until I hear my name being called. Even then sometimes I may "get/understand" what we were doing and it will click others I am clueless(this case is rare). Although Margery, I never knew this pulling was a type of aura.
Getting Lost -- Epilepsy, Dementia, Alzheimer's?
Has Anyone Else Been Told During Absence Seizure You've Been Talking To Yourself?
What Happened To My Memory Or Chunks Of It.