Epilepsy Clinic
Hi Everyone,
Please help?
I haven't seen a Neurologist or Specialist for over 30 years, and relied on a GP and Government Hospital for medication in South Africa.
Since having re-located, I requested review and now have an appointment in an Epilepsy Clinic in July.
Obviously, I don't know what to expect and have so many questions; what worries me most is a change of medication when I am so far under control (as far as I'm concerned).I've never had an MRI scan done, and no EEG for over 30… read more
i had mri, eegs, cat scans, you name it i would probably tried it. a mri is you sit down and a big long magnetic box will cover your head and it will take a minute. if you have mettle it dose not work.
the eeg you put stick stuff all over your head and you will weight untill you have a seizure or time is up.the hardest part about that is that jell that sticks to you and the smell. my advice about that is shampoo with oils in it. that takes the smell and the jell out.
i have 2 Neurologist and many drs. the Neurologist is a dr that specialize in the brain. that is all.
do not worry, you will do fine. just trust your gut feelings and go with a open mind. you are going to be great.
Medication change: I have found here in America that the neuros balance two things when considering a medication change - (1) is your current med working? (2) are you complaining about a side effect that med is causing? I have side effects and they all ask me if I want to try a different med. I say no because the seizures are under control. They go by my wishes.
I live over 100 miles from the most prominent, epilepsy neurologist of southern Arizona who was my doctor for 12 years. Then insurance changed and I went to see a new neuro who visited our little town once a month. She said she would give me 2 months worth of medication only if I agreed to a full work up (in the city 100 miles away) so she could start the whole evaluation process over again. She knew my original neurologist and his reputation as well as his positions as dean of the neurology department at the teaching hospital and head (founder, I believe) of the epilepsy clinic.
I chose to go back to my GP and get my meds from him and cancelled the MRI and all future appointments with her.
I would have continued with her if she had respected my original neurologist's findings and read my history. But, I do not allow doctors or the health care profession/system to intimidate me. I see them all as just people trying to get through their work days with as little stress as possible. (Some are of course working hard to help their patients.)
I find that when I approach a new person/place/thing with the recognition that I have the intelligence and skills to get what I need then things go smoothly.
Here's to your intelligence and skills!
Awe try not to worry as you’ll only feel worse.
Ive had no problems with my neuroligist.. be strong and confident and explain your concerns to them.
Ive had mri and eeg and its all not to bad, im clostrophobic and was terrified for mri but it was fine, you have headphones playing music and you can just relax for the 30mins.
I should’nt imagine they will change meds if your seizure free unless the side effects are really bad!, but its your body so explain to them what your thoughts are.
Sending you love and prayers
Honey.. There is nothing to worry about. Just take a day by day. Just ask the doctor ANY questions you have. The doc is always a BIG help. Ive had that feeling when I first starting my process for neurosurguery. Now I know what to expect. The doctor will help you step by step. No problem. 😉
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member... I just relocated from South Africa... They were very few and if one saw one, it was just too expensive for a normal person to afford. Very little medical help there!
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