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How Do You Handle Wandering Postictal State If Patient Is In Danger But Is Also Aggressive Towards Others?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭

My husband wanders in an agitated and confused state after his tonic-clonic seizures. Last time he tried to escape the house onto the street but thankfully the paramedics arrived. I am not supposed to restrain him and could not convince him to stay indoors (he began to get slightly aggressive). Does anyone have any suggestions on how to handle this?

July 11, 2018
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Thank you!

July 16, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Sometimes when I have a seizure, I am not aware of what is going on around me. That will last maybe 1 minute or so. I will get aggressive with the people around me. I will get up and walk around. If try to tell me something, I will talk to them in a very bad tone of voice (that's what they tell me, but they don't take it personally). Whoever is around me, tries to stay calm, they have learned not talk to me or try to convince me, they follow me wherever I go. For me, staying calm, avoid convincing me & patients are the biggest help.

July 16, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I have lost awareness of my surroundings a couple of times, but was still conscious, if that makes sense?! Once I was in the drug store, I was browsing around, then all of a sudden I didn’t know where I was or how I got there or even what town I was in! It scared me! But I tried to calm myself, and told myself that this feeling was temporary, and it would go away, I was standing by the greeting cards, so I started pretending to look at cards until my awareness came back, I went home shaken and tired!

July 14, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Thank you, I will try that. Hope things will be looking up for you and your husband!

July 13, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I feel your pain I am to in the same situation with my better half his postical state is extremely worrying of late aggressive behaviour is scary apparently his become like this due to more frequent and cluster of seizures of late fingerd are crossed his new medication mix will reduce his seizures or how frequent they are ,,our neuro had recommended that my hubby gets in and sees a councillor regarding his anxiety to minimise stress that could be causing his epilepsy playing up ..I find talking softly and holding his hand does seem to reduce the aggression alot

July 13, 2018

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