Can Someone Explain To Me What An Aura Is When It Comes To Epilepsy, Please 😊
I was just reading an article about auras and epilepsy, which was emailed to me, by this website, last week. An aura is in itself, a focal aware simple partial seizure, which precedes a tonic clonic or grand mal seizure. You have this rising feeling in your stomach, a sense of déja vu, a feeling of doom or fear, visual disturbances, and may experience certain smells or scents.
I was told that I suffered from non focal aware seizures, but, after being on this site, for so many years, I've learned so much about the different types of epilepsy and seizures. Before reading the article on auras, I was sure that I experienced simple partial seizures, with the occasional tonic clonic, maybe 3 during my 25 year battle with epilepsy. After reading the article, I have come to the conclusion that my episodes were actually only auras. I experienced all the symptoms described in the article, except for déja vu, or smells, and I never had a tonic clonic, or grand mal seizure, after the aura. I had a grand mal seizure when I was about 6 or 7, and a couple more, during my early teens. I always had a pounding headache, right before the seizure.
my auras are tingling from my legs or feet to my brain. i also get space-out or get 'the thinker' from the art pic. sometimes my speech is slow.
My aura is a smell a bad smell im not kidding it smells like someone farted. If im in the car i accuse every single person of passing gas and when my husband vsays he didn't i say he is lying and i roll down the window.
Sometimes i start sweating and not just a little im talking i look like ive taking a shower and its miserable my hair is soaked like ive just washed it.
An aura is a seizure. It is a simple, partial seizure that indicates you are about to have a seizure. It doesn't happen for everyone with epilepsy. I only started having them after my three-stage craniotomy. I was confused, too. It seemed like everything was in surround sound with a hyper sense of awareness. Then they changed like seizures tend to do. I still had the hyper sense of awareness but also felt like I was going to vomit because my mouth watered the way it does before you puke.
Sometimes I only have an aura. It doesn't always progress to complex partial seizures. I have a bell in my bedroom and ring it when I feel an aura.
I have written some books about my epilepsy journey. They are a short read.
An aura, I think also sometimes called a simple partial temporal lobe seizure, can happen when we are momentarily aware of our surroundings, then have altered or strange sensations—such as deja vu, a rising in the torso, or a sense of motion when we’re sitting still (as in my own experience), and we oftentimes cannot communicate with, or react to our surroundings. It can take various lengths of time to recover, but definitely much longer than the aura itself, which usually only lasts a few to thirty seconds.
Can Someone Please Explain What An Aura Is? What’s It Feel Like?
Can Someone Explain To Me, In Detail, What An Aura Is And How It Feels?
Simple Partal & Auras Whats The Diffence?