Adding Onfi To My Regimen? How To Handle Tiredness And Work
I’m on 1800 mg of Trileptal and 200mg of Zonegran and now we might be adding Onfi to my daily intake 😒
I recently started a new job in febuary which is like 10x more physically demanding than my previous job. I started having seizures and rare symptoms a little over 2 years ago and now working this job I think I underestimated how exhausted the illness makes me or the medication makes me
I have about 2-5 seizures a month that happen only during my menstueral cycle, so the onfi would be taken… read more
Oh wow! Thanks for your answer. I hope not my insurance covers more of it. I can’t afford that. I’ll only be taking it 10 day out of the month.
It took 13 years to solve my seizures. They tried every medication. They put in a VNS and helped some. I still take 1500mg of Keppra twice a day but when they tried Onfi it was the miracle drug. I haven’t had a seizure for over three years. It really helps people with partial complex in left temporal lobe . But it’s expensive. I pay $740 a month copay until May.
How do you handle that? Do you have accommodations?
I’m not on Onfi but my job is very demanding and takes alot out of me. It does cause me to have more siezures.
Has Anyone Tried Or Seen Any Research On GLP-1 Meds And Epilepsy? GLP-1 Is Currently Used For Weight Loss But Also Many Neuro Disorders.
Good Afternoon.. What Have Been The Side Effects Of Onfi, Briviact And Topomax?
Can Sound Waves From Loud Music Less Than Half A Mile Away Trigger A Seizure?