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Just Really Do Need To Know What Is Going On!!

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Mitchell, IN

I myself have a question I have 2 different types of seizures one is the grandmal seizures which luckily I have not have had in quite a while now but in the past few years after being diagnosed with the petit absent seizure the blackouts I have seems to just continue to get worse about 2 weeks ago I had a little over 45 within a week and 25 of them were just in one day so and since benig taken off the medication I was on my nurologist put me on something else and every since then I have been… read more

September 14, 2018
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

As Epileptics we must learn to speak up for ourselves if something is NOT WORKING !!!!
I've dealt with Epilepsy since age six and when I was old enough I began to tell my doctors
what worked and what didn't work.
I also made decisions on my own also. I used to take 30 MG of Valium daily but found it made
me really sleepy so I discontinued it.
Doctor didn't give me a lecture only asked if I noticed anything from stopping it?
Told him I felt fine without it.

Now I found my "wonder drug" after I threw my first GrandMal in 1969 @ age 15.
The drug was Tegretol and I'm still on it only now take the extended release version.
I take 2/400MG or 800 MG.And I'm GrandMal seizure free for over 40+ years.

September 19, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

What drug were you on that you hatted & what was it's name???
You did the correct thing by changing doctors when he didn't listen to you.
I did the same thing after a doctor took me off of a drug that worked for me & that
I had taken since age 15, Once off of it~ I had 9 GrandMals for 1 week !!!
That got the doctor FIRED !

October 23, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I'm going to get a PDR ~ it's the big book all doctors have about medications.
Think it's a good thing to have especially if you have family members who take medications
I'm only taking TEGRETOL XR`800 MG a day now.
Nothing else for Epilepsy. Other medications are for Type II Diabetes.

Also have been GrandMAL seizure free since April 1986.
Last GrandMAL was March 1986 @ age 32.

I'm 64 now.

October 20, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I was watching MSNBC last night and found out a very interestin factoid:
There is NO STATUE of Limations on ASSULT in Maryland !!!
What that means is that Justice Kavanaugh CAN BE BROUGHT up on ASSULT CHARGES

September 21, 2018
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Marlene, speak up is right and that I did said it like it was, But I still speak up for all of us for who ever makes a wrongful remark. Iam now 21 yrs sz free ever since I started taking Brand Tegretol and brand Lamictol, Im happy and glad to hear the news your sz free, take care hope you the best

September 19, 2018

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