Does Anyone Go To The Doctor And Forget What The Doctor Said?
I had a neurologist appointment. I know I answered most questions like I know what I am talking about. But when I get home and try to explain to my husband what the doctor said, I don't remember. I don't remember why I need a test? I don't remember what I said. I feel so dumb. My spouse usually goes to my appointments, but couldn't go this time. He gets frustrated when I don't have the information. He thinks that sometimes doctors just want to do tests to get information for statistical… read more
I have always forgotten questions I want to ask the doctor and things the doctor tells me. Writing it down doesn't help because I lose the paper.
I have heard there are apps you can use to record conversations at appointments, with the doctor's knowledge and permission, of course. Perhaps one of these apps would be helpful, if you don't forget your phone, as I have done at least once.
Yes, I do, I try to remember to take pen and paper but often forget ;-)
I blacked out from a siezure and feel down 5 steps outside to the sidewalk with my face. 31 stitches to my forhead, broke nose, crushed the whole cartridge in my nose and had a second surgery for my nose so I could breath. The frontal loab damage has cause alot of problems for me too. Trying to survive life again. Your not alone on here. They understand and so do I. Hang in there. We care!
Thank you Terry. 🙂
true but try writing it down as it might help and hope all goes well for you to dear now smile
Going To The Eye Doctor With Photo Sensativity
Paranoia After Seizure