Anyone Have A Problem With A Normal Social Life Or Transportation?
It has hit me like a rock. Being that nobody is my friend anymore because of life changes a complete loss of memory and even living and recovering nobody is here for me anymore. I do all i can to remain a stable loving and responsible mother with no help. It is hard wishing and explaining how I am unable to take my kids to their friends houses or to the park or hoping I can make a new friend untill they realize they would have to be the only one making trips because this town is so far apart. Do… read more
I can fully relate. Being up at college and not being able to drive is a major struggle for me, not to mention the lack of physical support I have. I am now a 3rd year student, used to be a teaching major and now I am a rehabilitation and health services major. Both require a form of shadowing and observation. Now most people feel that uber and lyft are a simple result until you are dropping a few hundred dollars a semester. Now for my friends, I only realistically have 2 and one of them is a friend who is from back home. When people found out I was epileptic I was ghosted very fast because they feared I would have a seizure around them. I fully understand it is a scary thing to witness but people do need to understand it is scarier for us than them, and overtime I realized if they are willing to drop our friendship for that then they are not true friends.
It's not easy to deal with not having anyone who will drive me around, my boyfriend taught me that ur family is the ones who hurt the most, mostly because we expect them to be the first to jump up& act in situations & help when we need them to but the truth is they're not going to be, don't know if it's because they are selfish, scared, or what all situations maybe different but I know that family hurt each other not only in our situations but in other ways too more than friends do & there are not many true friends out there when it comes down to needing rides. I started paying ppl to drive me around. But I'm also blessed to be from a church where they reach out and help those people who are in need so I don't have to pay that often. I have some true Christian friends out there who reach out to me
Contact the Epilepsy Foundation and ask them for some help/ways-traveling from pace to place etc. The best time I had in my life was when I was in college-the reason being there was a large bus going from place to place all the time. Everybody could get on a bus to go someplace to get somewhere all kinds of strores etc. Personally I believe a city is one of the best places to live for a person that has epilepsy to live,
there are also parts of the US where people cant DRIVE every where they take subways and busses. Its a mindset of what you do. I am in in better shape at my age for my walking! Look at the positives! I volunteer all over the place and work at my church. It is our Mindset that puts us back not anyone else. Think about it please. Thanks
Good for you there are truly good people out there that care
How Does One Find Work When You Can’t Drive? He Has A Bachelors Degree.
How Do You Guys Get Around With Out Being Able To Drive?