Using Smart Watch Or Seizure Monitoring/alarm
Hi everyone,
I am new here and was wondering if anyone has any experience in using smart watch apps to monitor seizures and alert people.
I was looking into the SeizAlarm app.
Would love to hear your experiences.
I heard there is a certain brand smart watch for warnings of seizures that got approved by the FDA. I can't remember at this time the brand of it but I can update you when I see it online.
i have a fitbit charge 4. it tracks my heart rate. when i have a seizure, my heart rate goes up. it is not a perfect solution but those seizure alerts watched cost $200 plus an monthly fee.
Returned it, I have a Samsung Galaxy Watch now, and I don't know how it works.
I just ordered a Apple S3. I will see how well it works once I get it all set up.
i have partials (focal onset). i have a health watch that track your heart rate. i would like to get the embrace seizure watch. its just like my health watch with on difference. you and family and/or friends will get notification if you get a seizure. i think you are notified if your heart rate is too high.
Is Anyone Aware Of The FDA Approved Seizure Monitoring Watches By Empatica? There's A Study Right Now To "Forecast" Seizures!
Amazon Echo And Alexa
A Wrist Watch That Warns A Person When That Person Is Having A Seizure?