Has anyone chosen to adopt a child instead of having a child through pregnancy? Doctors say it's possible for me to have a healthy pregnancy with a few medication changes, but it sounds like an unpredictable journey I'm not sure I want to take. My husband really wants a biological child but knows ultimately it will be my decision.
You were younger than I was !
I also don't know why I have it or exactly what exact kind of Epilepsy I have.
Marlene, Ihad had Epilepsy since I was 5 year sold. Over 50 years ago. Iam not sure why I have it.
It is quite all right to have children when you have Epilepsy. I have seen/heard over the TV news that people who have epilepsy do have chidren. On one occasion a young (3 or 4) year old) boy was credited for saving his mother's life by calling 911, as she was having a seizure.
I would also vheck into the library for "Epilepsy and Pregnancy" articles.
I hope yjos information helps you.
We really don't know if it's heridedary or not??
I don't know how I got mine and I'll never know as I was given up at birth by my biologicial mom.
Because of that fact, my birth records are sealed by New York State and it's impossible to find
out anything concerning my medical records. Believe it or not but the records are sealed by the
New York Courts even today in 2019~ I was borne in April 1954.
My biologicial mother has long passed, don't know about my biologicial father.
Adopted children in New York have no rights in the eyes of the courts.
Yes,I have heard that Epilepsy is not hereditary. You can have normal childen.
Pregnancy And Seizures
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