How Do You Help Your Child That Witnessed Your Seizure?
About 6weeks ago I had Multiple tonic clonic seizures and my 5yr old daughter witnessed all of it. Now she’s have trouble at school and doesn’t deal with things at home. She’s having outbursts of anger defiance and what appears to me as some depression. Has anyone seen this with kids how do you handle it?
Another idea you can do to help educate your kids and you may lean some tidbits of information, is a a animated comics called MEDI KIDZ . It is all related info and different issues on Epilepsy.
You can check out the website, if interested.
The Epilepsy clinic I visit for my appts. , have these comics next to the magazines , to read while waiting to be called.
I have two boys who have grown up with my epilepsy my eldest is 13 , he's always felt the need to look after me and found it the hardest to cope with sitting down with your daughter and exampling in simple terms might help.Or getting information design for children to understand the condition from sites like epilepsy action helps and getting in touch with young careers for support
My kids were toddlers when they witnessed mine . At that age they are just starting to build their vocabulary. They understood the word illness , so we just told them that I have an illness called Epilepsy. And explain it to them where they can understand.
It scared them when they first witnessed it . The more they saw me seizure the more they got use to it.
I taught my son what to do in case of an emergency. I explained in kid-friendly terms what was happening and what to look out for. He got used to them and looked out for me. I think we underestimate how strong kids really are in these kinds of sits., having an open conversation about it helped a lot. Good luck
My daughter found me during my first seizure, I was blue and barely breathing, thankfully her and her brother's kept calm went and got my husband called 911, unfortunately I was not diagnosed until my next grand Mal seizure which was worse. Just include her in what's going on try to explain in words she will understand give her a roll in helping you,even if it's only placing a pillow near you so you don't get hurt.
Seizure Journal?
How Do You Know You Have Had A Seizure In Your Sleep If You Don't Wake Up Or Have Any Other Signs?
Are There Any Friends Who Have Endured The Challenges Of Being An Epileptic Single Parent To Young Children With No Local Support System?