Is Being Dizzy And Depth Perception Part Of Epilepsy Or Side Effects Of Medicine
The way to find out is to look up the specific information regarding the medication that you are taking. Generally, the pharmacy will include this info each time you renew it. I have experienced the negative side effects to so many of the meds (since I turned 16). Please take the time to look up this info. If you need more info, you can even call the drug company for more complete into. These folks really listed to such questions. Bring this info on your next appointment with the Neurologist. Don't let him/ him just "poof" you off. It's your body and you are a very important person! Shalom. Maire.
it depends on the person. most meds side effects are tired and/or dizzy. but it could be a results from a bad seizure. if you have any kind of surgery (miner or mayor) everything would go wrong.
i do not know what meds you take or anything. just do some research (knowledge is power). you will get your answers you are looking for.
Great Advice!!
I have problems with depth perception, but I also had surgery. But dizzy may be meds.
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