What Triggers Your Auras/simple Partials?
Wether you consider it a aura warning or an actual seizure,what do you think caused this and what medication helped you..
I am on tegratol and feel it only controlled grand mal seizures..
My triggers are caffeine, diet, stress, lack of sleep, being in loud environments
Stress is my biggest trigger. Second would be getting overheated/overexerted. The medication that has helped me the most is Keppra.
mine is food triggers my seizures. i tried everything and what works is keppra, phenobarbital, and just recently (less than a year) cbd oil. i am seizure free seance the cbd.
Stress, lack of sleep, constipation and low blood sodium
Simple Partal & Auras Whats The Diffence?
Do Any Body Have Seizures Due To Stress Or Fatigue With No Auras?
How Long Should An Aura Last?