(Not including those who have had families) is there anything in your lives you are proud of or have achieved? So when you have a bad day with your epilepsy you can think of that achievement and it lifts your spirit?
I actually have a number of things that I try to think about when I start getting down on life.
-- Getting a bachelor's and master's degree while at the same time dealing with having grand mal seizures.
-- Maintaining a 4.0 while getting that master's.
-- Being a music teacher/first grade teacher/college instructor for 20 years
-- Figuring out how to continue teaching even though I can no longer work full-time or deal with much stress
I became a black belt in karate.
i work with a after school day care thing. i act like a kid when i am at work. and sometimes i teach people about epilepsy and seizures and different types and all that 'fun' stuff. it makes me feel accomplish.
My biggest achievement was training ,then becoming a speech & language therapist ,then, after I'd raised the kids I went back to work Wouldn't have changed that for the world. oh & I've been to Wembley a few times too ⚽Thanks for making us think of all the positive things ,it's so easy to dwell on the negatives Take care
I've been able to raise my daughter on my own without anyone's help. Due to some personal family problems my family left me in the streets w/o food clothing or anything but what I was wearing so with the very little I had went got my daughter clothes from dollar store a nephew offered some clothes for me 3 outfits so being homeless for 3 months saving that money finally rented an apartment got two twin size sheets 1 to cover with the other on the floor and food from foodbank live like that for a yr later started to go buying little by little dollar store was like the only place I could shop for a while but now finally have everything I need not what I want but yes what I need I still don't buy myself clothes very much but I do my daughter because she is still growing and in school so I've been able to go from homeless to everything we need you could say
A Neutral? Then And Now, Do You Notice Any Since Being Diagnosed With That May Have Gone Away Or Fading Away From The Beginning Of It?
Achievements Software
Are You A Goal Orriented Type Of Person? Wondering What Are Your Thoughts On This ❓