Hi! If you are on medicine to control your seizures, do you find that it helps so your triggers don't set off a seizure? Or do you find that you still have seizures as usual when triggered? For instance, one trigger for me is caffeine. I can tolerate very little. If I have too much, I have a seizure. Is this normal since even though I am on medication?
It def helps my boyfriend to be on medicine control. He takes CBD and its allowed him to lower his seizure medication dose...hes been seizure free for over 1 year after having seizures for over 10 years...he tries to avoid sugar, take his medicine at the proper time and get enough sleep as well as manage his stress
You have to balance your triggers, knowing how much coffee, how much stress, how many blinking lights [ or annoying music ]. and also know balance when that you take your medication(s). as I have said, I really dislike the condition (hate would be a closer word) but it is what it is. and you that is I have to accept it and move forward which is what I do on a daily basis. the critical years were 1983 (the initial car accident in Indiana) and 2012. (the year of my surgery at Mayo, the little event that ended up costing me a big part of my brain. Too much information spilled.
To Sweetnsimple, it can't be easy, having to live with such a condition, but nothing, and absolutely nothing, has been easy or not complicated about having epilepsy. it is simply a way a life, that those with brain disorders are forced to lived with. it's not right, it's not fair, it's not just, but sadly, it's simple reality to repeat part of your name as an adjective. I hate it beyond everything, even beyond My dislike of Trumpian politics, without getting political at all! the election of 2020 is over, of course,
what did I do wrong? I went out in 1983 in Bloomington, Ind. a drunk driver had different ideas about the night.I for my part, simply parents got a horrible call and had to stand over a hospital bed in Indianapolis, Ind. while a comatose son hung on to life. years later, Epilepsy crept in. now forty years, I still have it, of course, and am still taking heavy-duty anti-seizure drugs every day. what I did do that helped a lot was the Mayo Clinic surgery a couple years back to reduce the severity and frequency of my seizures. but it horribly expensive, in terms of how much actual brain ended losing!
Yes, caffeine is undoubtedly helpful in causing seizures, especially in the amounts that used to drink it in, strong espresso-style drinks, but again, what's most important is the sleep, these type of drinks leave you fully awake and the most important important — the critical thing for those with epilepsy — is sleep, so avoid all these after maybe 2 p.m. each day and after that, maybe you get decaf tea, if you are nice to me. that is how important sleep is the epileptic, that I would both bother to type all this dribble about brain health.
I still have seizures even without triggers
Anyone Have A Certain Smell Of Herbs Ect That Can Trigger A Seizure?
Does Anyone Else Have Problems With THUNDERSTORMS??
How Do You Handle Music Triggers?