US Healthcare For People With Epilepsy
I’m considering moving to the US and would just like some input as to the healthcare system (costs for repeat prescriptions etc.) for those living with controlled (most of the time) seizures.
Honestly, I don’t think anyone can answer this. It depends on what health insurance you have. I have pretty good insurance but I have a deductible to pay first, but after that’s met my medicines are free.
With Healthcare it all depends on whether or not you have a job that has insurance ( not all jobs carry it )or the state county insurance medical Assistant programs.
Different work companies carry different health Insurance company brands.
Health insurance through work is better than the state county insurances. They have more benefits. A lot of insurances may have what’s called a Copay. You pay a few dollars for medication, and clinics
Since your moving to the US , you may have to start with the state county insurance program. They will want you and whoever else’s Birth Certificates, if you worked they may want to your 6-12 months of pay stubs, from that company, if you are with a bank they may want that info. and your Identification Card. I hope I got all the documents they may want.
To sign up for the program, you would need to find the County Human Services and Resources. Get in contact with them. You might have to make an appt with them.
Well hope everything go well on your way over to the U.S.
Healthcare in the US is very expensive. Example. My son and I were heading to his grandmother's house who lives about 120 miles away. He forgot his medication which he takes twice a day. He is currently taking, Keppra, Trileptal, Depakote, and Onfi. After arriving at my mother's we noticed that he did not have his medication. I called the pharmacy to see if I could get just one dose since I knew I would be back home before he would need the second. I was told that the cost for one dose would be over $1500. We went back home immediately.
We have to fight to get insurance companies to pay despite the fact that we pay high premiums. We have high deductibles that must be met before the insurance kicks in. There have been many instances that people have died. The insurance company just approved covering the Empatica bracelet for epileptics which has been on the market and proven to work for over 5 years. It will only cover the cheaper one but it still detects and alerts when having a seizure.
If you are somewhere where you have a universal plan, stay where you are at. We have great hospitals but you have to fight like he-- to get what you need medically. If you have an illness, it is not worth risking your life to come to this country with a pre-existing illness. Our government has ruled that insurance companies must accept pre-existing conditions with no wait limit but the insurance companies have only found a way around this.
My husbands insurance covers me. I think that they pay 75% up front and then bill us the remainder.
I’m on state insurance .N. Y, state has a insurance if you qualify most of you medications are paid for complete
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