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Getting Sick Of Bad Memory. Any Advice?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Spirit Lake, ID
February 29, 2020
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Play memory games, use a daily journal and write write about your day . Then if you need to go grocery shopping , make a list on paper or an app on you IPhone or IPad . With your meds schedule have alarms set.

March 2, 2020
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Notes and I'm very big on making relations/sayings like when I was in college I went for laboratory science so we needed to know the order of draw for blood so for the first letter of every tube I came up with a saying it was "your butts really giant pretty girl" so if i look at the first letters and see y for yellow b for blue r for red g for gold/green p for purple and g for gray. It was a saying that was odd so it stuck with me more and it helped and like to remember ethanol is basically just the scientific name for alcohol and i drank a lot back than so i would tell myself ethanol can burn like fireball (the liquor) it rhymed it helped me to make a relation to an everyday thing. Or for changing temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit id think cats have 9 lives you have 5 fingers so 9/5 than times it by the celcius number and add 32 so its not freezing and thats how you get Celsius to Fahrenheit. Or to know which way to hit the turn signal when i was learning to drive I did if I hit it down it's closer to my Left leg so that the left turn signal hit it up its going away from my left leg so it's the right. So i try to make sayings/come up with associations when it comes to learning something new. For names I use a trick they taught us in cosmetology school, when you first meet someone try to say there name as much as possible I'll use Amy if someone's like hi my names Amy you can say you said Amy? And when they say yeah you can say nice to meet you Amy than throughout the conversation anytime you can say their name and it sounds right say it 1 it'll help you remember 2 most people like hearing their name 3 it makes the conversation seem more personal

August 20, 2023 (edited)
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I’m the same . If I meet a new person and get introduced . Then after the introducing , I would forget the name shortly after.

May 12, 2020
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Evie,go over to the app and they have a seizure journal app it gives instructions to instructions on how to describe a seizure it helps out to that it the Doctor's appointment good luck

March 1, 2020
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Absolutely Notes - I use an app on my phone for everything. I also use notes on my computer at work and post it notes generally. Basically whatever works best for you. It’s very scary when you don’t remember your own note you wrote but you know you must have written it!

March 1, 2020

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