So Is Epilepsy A Disability Or Not?
This is a general question of public opinion. I myself always assumed it was, but apparently it's not at least according to Social Security in Indiana that is. I finally decided to apply b/c someone else I know receives disability do to having seizures which started after an aneurysm they also happen to work as well. So I decided to give it a try and was denied b/c epilepsy was not a disability that would stop me from working. So opinions do you agree or disagree on Epilepsy being a disability?
Social Security seems to deny everyone for an epilepsy disability, if you can walk or talk!! It took me almost 4 years to be approved and I think if I hadn’t been over the age of 55 years old it would’ve been denied a 3rd time. I have epilepsy and severe spine problems (3surgeries) both ailments for over 20 years and it really means nothing to Social Security. I worked all my adult life and when in need due to medical reasons to be denied was just a slap in the face. Hang in there and be sure your doctor(s) put in writing that you should not be working due to your epilepsy. What really confused me during the appeal hearing is you’re not allowed to speak much so you’re truly on the mercy of the court, it sucks😞😒
I'm very sorry to this because I too was denied for years because of to their doctors I wasn't Epileptic or going through Seizures! I had to move from one location to another to find the proper assistance and I was finally able to receives SSD. The system makes it hard for everyone so the person will get tired and give up! You can reach out to Legal Aids or find an attorney who can help, the best attorney to turn to is that one that doesn't get paid till you get paid.
I'd agree that Epilepsy is a disability. It's not like we can control when we have a seizure or how many we have. People who don't live with epilepsy don't, & won't understand this.
It's considered a disability by the federal government
I am on disability for seizures. I can’t work because I’ve had them since I was a kid so they’re preexisting. We’re not able to do several things normal people can.
In Addition To My Epilepsy, I Have A Learning Disability. I Do Not Know If They Are Related. I Know Seizures Have An Effect On Memory.