How Can You Tell The Difference Between A Panic Attack, A Seizure And An Aura?
It seems like my panic attacks go in an order, first upset stomach then heart palpitations then fear then cannot focus then when upset stomach settles down, I cry and my body twitches, like jerking and body shakes.
i have in (order) aura, simple partial, complex partial and grand mals seizure. my auras is tightening up and a tingling all over. i can not think straight. my simple partials i lean to 1 side and sometimes twitch.
i think you are having a seizure and then panicking about the what if's.
In my case, you are describing in order, the aura (sudden nausea that goes away in a couple minutes) You panic. Bra cause you recognize its meaning. then the seizure.
The aura is a seizure in itself. It's called a simple partial, usually followed by tightening in the neck, and the metallic taste, in some. Again causing the panic.
I can tell if I am having a panic attack. I can still move and talk. When I have a seizure I can't talk or move and my eyes and head start to go to the right. Until recently when i was having a video eeg, all I knew was that I was having some sort of "episode". I seriously embarrassed myself in there. I had been off of my lamictal that I was originally put on as a mood stabilizer. That probably had something to do with that awful display I put on. They had to give me ativan to make me stop. I just remember screaming and carrying on.... they caught all that on the video too. I want to see the seizure they caught but definitely DO NOT want to see all that screaming and carrying on. I would be so embarrassed if I could see myself.
Whenever I have a panic attack it does feel very similar to an aura which worsens my anxiety and panic sometimes to the point of inducing petit mal and sometimes grand mal seizures
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member it starts with an uspet stomach and a rising nausea feeling, then heart palpitations and can't focus, brain feels fuzzy, then crying and body shakes like I am freezing.
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