I Want To Know Some Of The Side Effect Of Some Of The Meds I Take.
I was diagnosed with Epilepsy, severe sleep apnea, Lupus, sjogren's syndrome. I take 2 x 1000mg of divalproex and 2 x 200mg of Hyroxychloroquine per day. Plus 2 baby aspirin for another autoimmune decease. I feel very fatigued, unmotivated, and sad. I feel like it’s my medication that is causing this. Anyone else have same side effects?
I take 4 types of Anti-Seizure medication & I've also got Sleep Apnea.
2 of my Anti-Seizure drugs cause drowsiness (Medicinal Cannabis Oil & Clonazepam).
Depends, you may have medicine conflicting with one another. I would suggest looking up the meds you are taking at this website; www.webmd.com Go to Drugs and [[treatment:Supplements:5526d0531fcaa353cc0029f5]] and look for the letter of your drug.
I am taking both medications, and was told Medicinal Cannabis makes the Onfi more powerful. The dosage was lessened slightly. I know that lack of sleep is a major trigger for me. I do not sleep as well as I should. Perhaps I nap too much during the day. I do know if I have a major Absence Seizure I sleep 3-4 hours to recover. At the moment my meds are working. I also take Lamotragine and Briviact.
I know Lamotrigine and Onfi interact with Epidiolex. My Onfi is already being lessened, as was the Lamotrigine. Will speak to my Doctor after the Blood Draw.
I do not know why I can be so very tired, but I need a lot of sleep. I know recovering from a severe seizure can need 3-4 hours worth of sleep. Lack of sleep, not eating or eating well and Stress are triggers. They do not understand it, but after I urinate I feel much better. Having to go might be a form of Stress.
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