Has Anyone Else Noticed Problems In Speech Since Having Seizures/diagnosed?
I often find myself saying whole sentences backwards, switching the first letters of every word in a sentence & putting random words in sentences. All of it sounds like gibberish and leaves me confused after speaking.
Yes!!! I will mix up the first letter of words ALLLLL the time!!!! Are you on medications?? Do you find that’s made you do it more? X
I have a lot of trouble word finding and pronouncing. My tumour was in the speech area of the brain L temporal lobe. It was actually a God send. The Drs were surprised that it was on the left and being left handed because if it was on the right which the majority of my type of tumour is on the right I would hardly be able to speak at all
Well for me personally i know when i'm gonna have a seizure my mouth starts to tingle and i can't say words without my mouth feeling really weird. It goes one of both ways: either i need rest, or i'm gonna have a seizure
Yes i noticed it. But it usually means some stress or anxiety is building up.
Yes I am. I take Vimpat twice a day and have been on it for a little over a year now. My brain has changed so much since my first seizures that I can’t tell what’s seizure related or medication related. Overall very frustrating.
Is Having Speech Difficulties Signs Of Having A Seizure? Or Is It Side-effects From Medications?
Speech Issues
Cognitive Decline