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Is Having Speech Difficulties Signs Of Having A Seizure? Or Is It Side-effects From Medications?

A MyEpilepsyTeam Member asked a question 💭
Wollongong, AU

I had a conversation with a few people here. We all have had difficulties speaking. Getting confused, slurring words, dyslexia getting worse, not being able to put sentences together properly, etc.
If that’s a seizure, what type of seizure is it?
Or is it more likely just side-effects of medications?

November 25, 2020
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A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Hi Steve I used to talk too much and that was just in conversations to my older sister I suffer from depression too I have most of my life when it reared it’s ugly head I got help then I got diagnosed with epilepsy it reared it’s ugly head again twice I got help the antidepressants help it’s a low. dose because of how many pills I’m on for my epilepsy I would recommend talking to a councillor and as for the epilepsy don’t let it control you you control it try writing down how you feel about any subject it could relieve some stress for you x x

November 29, 2020
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Left temperal lobe epilepsy

January 26, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Most speech struggles, like stuttering, finding your words or a sentences is from seizures most ofthe time, but our meds can playa a big part too.

January 18, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

Over the last few years I've had memory issues - I don't know when they really began but more and more often I have to ask if I was there when my family talk about something.
My son was talking to me the other day and he told me I told him that the neuro had told me at one of my visits that there was a link between epilepsy and something else (I forget now!!) - when I asked him 'oh did I', he thought that I must've been making it up.
With words, I'm finding, and I think it's because of the increase in meds, that sometimes I'm looking for a word - like I know what I want to say, the word is there in my head but I just can't seem to get it to the fore - it's very frustrating at times.
I can say that about 30% of the time I start a conversation and at some point I'll forget what the topic is.
Also, when reading, sometimes I find I've to read paragraphs more than once - but then equally there's times I fly through books.
I've learned to accept it, not berate myself for it - afterall, nobody's perfect and life is hard enough on me without self criticism. I know it's not easy to do but I was just so sick of feeling a bit uncomfortable when the things above happened while out. Now - and it's hard to put into words but it's like my state of mind is like a constant straight line - ok, there may be the odd bump in it from time to time but overall it's not too bad.
You've got to love yourself, flaws n all we're beautifully imperfect

March 2, 2023
A MyEpilepsyTeam Member

I usually have trouble producing speech during my aura and also during the post ictal period. Voices sound strange to me, especially post ictal, and I often don’t understand what people are asking me. For the speech part, the aura is when it is the worst for me because I can only usually manage to produce 2-3 words before I’m having a full blown tonic clonic seizure, but even with saying those words, it’s like my brain is lagging.

February 24, 2023

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