Staring Spell?
When I was a kid I remember having space out moments. I use to get yelled at because they thought I was ignoring them. From what I understand absences seizures can be grown out of. I continuing having them they actually got worse in my teenage years. Which lead up to getting a diagnosis. Since i never put grew out of them is it possible that its not an absences seizure but a partial seizure
Plan on asking my doctor just curious if someone has delt with the same thing
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I was in special ed cause slow learner and yes teacher helps us all in class and he said your very smart lots of ways than others just slow in learning and got A's B's c and d got A's and B in math B in gym and c in all rest I believe and made the honor roll once and high school B and c's and 2 D"s and became a License electrician
Oh yeah... one time I was with My Mom at a Hallmark store looking at cards. Yupp, it happened, Mom was yapping away not looking at Me. I'm just standing there with a card in My hand, not moving. Then She realize something is wrong. She never saw Me have one of those. She starts flipping out. Didn't know what to do. I came out and calmed Her down!
Maureen ,,hi I was reasonably good at high school Managed a 1 in maths, 2 in English ,A load of 3 s ( like you i can't remember what in !! ) 4 in history ,5 in music & a meteoric epic fail in biology Took general studies the year after and got a grade 4
Staring spells can happen anytime & most times look like we're not "paying attention in Class or have a of while working on a task"
They can also be the cause of a "Loss of concentration"
Staring spells are something that teachers don't really like as they find teaching children who have EPILEPSY harder to teach because they don't understand
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member
I remember spacing out in 5th grade and the teacher came to my desk thinking i was not paying attention. Other times as well.
I Caught Myself Standing In The Room Staring Off . Other's Probably Would Assume I Was Spacing Out. Anyone Relate?
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