Who Lives Their Life In Fear Because Of Their Epilespy?
I am in consant fear of when i will have a seizure. I dont know when it could happen. Its affecting my everyday life always trying not to think about it too. Always playing on my mind.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member this is the deafferents between you and i and everyone on this group. i have auras (it's absedence tee but only 1/2 of my brain is affected), 2 types of partials, and grand mals (tonic clonic). the 2nd thing is you have 2-3 a week/month. i have it a seizure every hour to everyday (without the cbd oil). idk if that helps you or not. i am saying that you will get through this. on top of all that... we are here to support you. remember it maybe worst.
It's always in the back of my head Lucy as is epilepsy of you know what I mean at the end of the day I look at life day by day don't live in fear ok think of what you can do to make a difference best wishes stay safe and seizure free 😊
I am the same way, I get no aura or anything to help me know when one is coming on so, I fear that when will the next one be, but I also live day by day to help make sure everyone knows how to handle it
@JuliaWilkerson I understand this, trust me (though I don't have to wait for a seizure because the damage to my brain I have completely unreliable memory recall -- thus if I do not have it written down, then who knows when I will remember it again), however, regardless of this fact that being scared of having the seizures only increases the chance that you will have another because Stress is the universal trigger for seizures, heart attacks, strokes, etc. I am not saying that I have mastered controlling the fear and thus increasing stress, but I try to distract myself from worrying about when the next seizure will come.
From the beginning I could never legally drive. But I did drive go kart , took chances a couple of time with 4 wheelers and then there was my bike. That was my par of sping - part of fall transportation.
Over all, I set my boundaries by what I’m Confident doing. When I worked
I wouldn’t dare work at a fast food restaurant. There were to many tight areas where I could easily get injured if I seizured. I would never work any metal factories using the machines that cut and shaped metal parts. I wouldn’t be able to drive a forklift . The only area that would be the safest was the Shipping and receiving area.
Overall, it comes to being confident and having common sense. I say this , because, to me everything is a risk. There are just different levels of risks and what level of risk we or ( I ) are willing to take.
For example ,
Just walking can be a risk for us people with Epilepsy. I could be walking fine ,but have a seizure. I may fall or get injured. I could be walking up / down a staircase and end up rolling or falling down them, after a seizure.
If you cook , like I do, on the stove or oven. But it’s possible for an incident to happen to where I may get burned
Then there are the many other possibilities of risk levels.
Would you still drive a car even if you legally can’t . Would you try driving a go kart or four wheeler ?
Would you ride a bike ?
What kind of work are you willing to do. That won’t be dangerous with your Epilepsy?
And many other examples.
Hope this is what you’re looking for.
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