Does Anyone Have The Neuropace/ RNS Implant? How Do You Like It?
My seizures coming from both sides and wasn’t willing to put the leads in the brain not knowing how that would work so final answer was vns and meds for rest of is what it least I’m lucky enough to just deal with the auras. Good luck
I have the neropace actually 2 . one for the right hemisphere and one for the left hemisphere of my brain as my sezuires are coming from both sides. I've had it for 8 years and no real difference only difference is my sezuires have shifted to nocturnal sezuires and I have small weak, short sezuires during the day which I believe are from the nap I take during the day and it hasn't changed any frequency in sezuire activity or intensity and no change in my medication as it was supposed to help with that to. Much more of a hassle to me then a help with all the follow up appt and tweaking of the neropace and no change and just wanting me to try more medications then focusing on getting better or rid of my sezuires.
Yes I’ve had it for about 10 years. Just had another surgery to replace battery. I still have auras but I feel it helps
I had a VNS implanted. I had it taken out since it didn't help my seizures.
I have the VNS. Auras are TERRIBLE, but are my warning that I need to swipe.
Anyone Have Experience With The RNS? Good Or Bad TIA
Thinking About Neuropace(RNS) Has It Worked For Anyone?
Anyone Have The Neuropace Implant??