Covid-19 Vaccine And Epilepsy
I’d like to know how members and neurologists feel about getting the covid-19 vaccine. I have tonic-clonic generalized epilepsy. I’m recently controlled and fear the vaccine may lower the seizure threshold.
I’ve had both doses of Maderna. My fear was that because of it I’d have a seizure, it didn’t happen 😀. Before I take any medication I research to find out if it lowers the seizure threshold, if it does, I don’t take it regardless of what it’s for. I couldn’t find any information about the vaccine lowering the seizure threshold so I took it.
Having my first on Thursday.
My daughter's had both as she's a carer First time she had a slight headache ache , second time just tired I had my first dose on Saturday My husband came with me as I was having partials ( not too bad) it was like a well oiled machine ,with the nurse 5 minutes Jab didn't hurt & took 5 seconds I was tired for 48 hours but that could've been after the 24 hour epi period.MIL & her sister (91 & 86) had no after effects
I'm tonic clonic epilepsy for 49 years but had the injection and it didn't hurt and no swollen arm. I'm glad I had it because if you happen to get Covid then it's helps. Mum had her injection and then got Covid and it helped and she's 95 in June.
Hope everyone has a seizure free weekend.
I have had my first shot and am doing just fine. Get my second one on March 13th.
Covid Vaccine And Seizures
Has Anyone Had A Covid Vaccine? That Causing Vomiting,
Have Covid19 Vaccines Provoked Any Of You People Seizures?