Who Feel They Cant Spend Their Everyday Life Because Our Epilespy Is In The Way?
For over 18 months, ive have been having bad eyes. The way to explain it, i just suddenly lose my sight, i see double of everything im lookibg at. I cannnot stand the light when it gets too much and i lose my balance. I feel like im having seizures but im awake and consicious. I have to sleep to get my eyes normal again.
Thi ms happebs every day, anytime in the day, at work. Its really upsetting me a lot.
It is a challenge, living with Epilepsy. We may control our lives, but epilepsy likes to throw obstacles in our way. We have to decide how we’re getting around the obstacles or if it even possible
Seizures do have affect on the brain. They can make us struggle with cognitive thinking, our motor skills with reading and writing and decision making. Then there are memory, stuttering.
But also our medications are just as bad if not worst. They can also do a lot of the same stuff as our seizures .
Last year I went through 4 days of blurry vision. I couldn't see close or far. I don't know exactly what happened .. I didn't lose some form of sight. I could see shadows and figures but that's it. The eye doc sent me on a 4 hr ride to an eye specialist who sent me to a neurologist who then sent me to a neurologist who was a specialist on eyes. At that point I got my vision back with no answer. I've got more of an answer now than what I have since then. BUT , boy was I 😨 scared.
That happened to me too but I wasn't aware off what it was till now I need to look into it hope you are ok
I'm not gonna let my condition get to me or in my way, at first It was like that since didn't know what to do with what I had, but over the years I came to accept the condition and I adjusted to living with it, a little bit of inconvenience but not a prob with, my opinion
What Do Think U Miss Most Since You And Your Condition? Curious
Are You Willing To Do Whatever Is Necessary To Help New Members Feel Comfortable And Quickly Have A Team Of Many?
Does Or Has Anyone Ever Felt Embarrassed About Telling Someone About Their Seizures?