Can You Stop A Seisure
The doc says im having partial seisures which are okay because they arnt my usual full blone seisures but they are a rish of euphoria i feel it in my head mostly then my body gets cool well i can feel it and somtimes its scary im scarred its gunna turn into a full seisure somtimes i feel like i can sto p it is it possable to stop them? Im already on alot of meds for both kinds that i have but
I don't think a seizure can be stopped once it starts its just natural and better to let it happen. All you want to do is make sure everything is cleared around you so that you don't injure yourself...
I haven't heard of being able to stop a seizure, but I been able to watch myself during a seizure. During the seizure I'm completely aware of my surroundings. Though I can't respond back during the seizure. Afterwards I usually get a headache and have to take a nap.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member A seizure (regardless of the type) is a short circuit of the brain, thus there is no real way to stop them once they have started.
I have succeeded only once in preventing a simple partial seizure from advancing into a complex partial seizure (back when I had simple partial seizures before the complex partial or full seizures) by pausing and doing my best to tune out the world and take calming breaths. I am not sure that any of that is the magic because I never have succeeded at any other time. The good news is that I was up at the speaker addressing the state senate panel (in a full auditorium at a local high school) on Global Warming and Climate Change, so I am glad I stopped it from getting worse. I rarely do any form of public speaking, but this is too big a topic.
there is a trick... when i am having a partial (focal onset) seizures... i sing. when i have a seizure, i sing to distract me from knowing i am having a seizure. 9-10 to 10-10 times it works.
I have a body pillow I squeeze or at least try to during a seizure that is if I’m in bed but standing up drop attack Grand mals I can grab on to a counter or shelf or my dog will lick my face or tap me with his paw 🐾 but it’s more preventing injuries like getting things out of the way during your seizures like night stand lane or over bed table any objects Out of the way that may injuries it’s all timing
Hello Everybody I Had A Seizure Today At A Program I Go To. My Teacher Thought If Music Would Help Me Stop My Seizure. It Helped Me Stop My
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