My son is 26 and has refractory epilepsy. In June he woke up with a horrible headache. My voice was too loud for him even. I thought maybe it was a postictal headache, but the ones he had in the past were not this severe, and only lasted a couple of hours at the outside. He was extremely dizzy, couldn’t walk, and vomited several times. I was on the phone with his neurologist and he started to have a seizure. He has a VNS so I used the magnet and it stopped it. The neurologist said to give him… read more
During the middle of the night they thought he had a stroke!
He’s been taking Lamictal for years—since he was 14. Yes, I am aware of those exact side effects and he has never had a problem like this.
I’ll look into the contraindications between Valtoco and his current meds. That is a good idea, thanks!
Are you aware of the side effects the drug Lamictal will give? Some of the side effects are dizziness, headaches, blurred vision, double vision, drowsiness, nausea and loss of balance and coordination just to name a few. I used to take Lamictal and had those side effects and more. Also, what are the side effects of the rescue med Valtoco? Could there be a conflict between the two? How long has he been taking the drug? Answers to these questions can maybe help you.
I Developed Complex Migraines 2 Yrs After My First Seizure (40 Yrs Of Regular Migraines). Could That Be Connected?
Chronic Migraines
Can Migraines Progress Into Seizures