Did You Know That Epilepsy Is Classified As A Neurological Disorder Rather Than Mental Illness?
I certainly did not know this until a few minutes ago --when I was researching what international medical committee decides why the label of "mental illness" is used rather than "mental disability" for those that are not labeled as mental disorders (and I did not even know that the mental disorders were not listed as a sub-group of the overall group known as mental illness rather than being in a separate category.
Did any of you know about this⦠read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Yes I agree 99% of the people don't know the difference unless you've been in medicine or dealing w/ epilepsy, & many that deal w/ those that have epilepsy get it messed up as well. It can often be frustrating to many when others that effect you're life don't know the difference & don't want to know.
Thanks for bringing up the topic, it provides clarification to those who aren't aware of the classifications.
Yes. I do think epilepsy makes us more prone to mental disorders though.
I definitely knew that epilepsy was neurological (studied medicine 30 years ago), and not a "mental" illness. However, I have found out that it's possible to have psychosomatic epileptic symptoms, and I want to eventually inquire of my doctors whether the symptoms of my own real epilepsy have been made worse by psychological effects (still not "mental illness" although treated by psychiatrist) over the years.
Margery, pretending that you are a doctor is even worse.
I know that epilepsy is a neurological disorder. That was not the point of asking that question. However, Margery the All Knowing does not listen to what anyone else says. I had an entire neurological committee at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston tell me that non-stop partial seizure states were indeed possible, And your response when I said that was that they were all wrong. You make your assessments of others conditions without the facts.
All I am sharing is links to the up to date sites where all of the facts on Epilepsy exist.
And, since you are an expert on everything, you have no idea what it is like to have a neurologist make major errors in your treatment, because you are probably all powerful as well, and thus you cured your epilepsy -- if you indeed ever had epilepsy. You are just lucky that the creators of this site and the other similar sites that they have created do not really pay attention to what anyone does on these sites or responds to anyone pointing out when someone is pretending to be a doctor on a site, or they would have listened to the complaints of myself and who knows how many others and booted you off of the site.
And if you really do not want to hear what I have to say, then simply block me.
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Lyndal
Im at the airport waiting for the plane to arrive & then cleaned out & then we can board & fly to Sydney. I will spend the night at the hotel & then I will then get a taxi via a cafe back to the airport as I have booked a trip around Launceston & Devonport in Tasmania for a good week β¦ which I need!
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Epilepsy, Seizure Disorder Or Neurological Disorder