Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With ADHD/ADD As An Adult After Your Diagnosis Of Epilepsy?
Ever since my first seizures, its been so much harder to focus on and/or complete any tasks. I've read a little about the two and according to epilepsy.com, it is a lot more common for adults with epilepsy to also have ADD/ADHD. Has anyone had indicators of either of these and approached your provider(s)?
Here is one of those links (ADHD and Epilepsy connection) that I have talked about. Make sure you read the whole message because each can bring on the other (since it is the Epilepsy Foundation, the lead one is ADHD bringing on Epilepsy) and also you will see here that you are not a rare case:
Likewise, there are other sources for ADD, but I need to dig for them in my bookmarks on Google Chrome to find that one.
I went in for my ssi hearing...mumbling under my breath about how stupid the diagnosis pseudo seizures sounded to me...long story short 😑 🙃 I now I have a diagnosis....for autism....it got the ball rolling on my epilepsy diagnosis.....so
Every time I have a seizure part of my memory dies.
I now use my phone as my private secretary.
I have a note on all my family names.
notation on my bills when do
My spelling these days need to be checked
never really had that issue before.
I like to think I'm just getting old .
Am 62yrs and retired
My Dr. did extensive testing basically he said that yes I’m having different types of seizures, he said the only thing that I see is ADD and recommend me to go to a phycologist and get Medication for it.
I have lived with an Attention Deficit Disorder because of my epilepsy since I was a child. That does make doing something’s very difficult, but who knows what can’t be done without adding extra time & effort.
Epilepsy Vs. ADHD
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