What Subjects Would You Like To Discuss Related To Epilepsy And All That Comes With It In Virtual Meetings?
Some of us have been discussing (and even had a few) having ZOOM, Skype, WebEx, Microsoft Team, etc. meetings with friends and potential news friends on this site to discuss a specific subject at each meeting. And we will post the recording of the meeting in a Q + A or something similar (still waiting for response from the creators of this site for how best to do this) so that anyone who cannot make it to the particular virtual meeting can at least see/hear the virtual discussion and then (if… read more
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Ask your doctors to get in touch with the insurances for the procedures and Meds. Don’t feel like your unloading at all, we all have something. I went through what you are. If you need rides to the Doctors office or any place for a procedure
You can get one free of charge if you have cancer from ACS (American Cancer Society) (Phone number can only be seen by the question and answer creators). Hopefully you don’t need this!
I am thankful for Tri County Transportation to take me to appointments in Walton Bay and Okaloosa counties FL Yesterday I had to call my friends to pick up RX. I have prayed many times for "what should I do?" GOD has given me several responses!
@A MyEpilepsyTeam Member Absolutely! There are few people who will state that they have nothing left to learn (usually just the arrogant), so you have a great mindsight on that. I have learned so much beyond the book/research facts easily available with regards to Epilepsy and other related issues before I found this site, but I have learned a LOT more since I have gotten on this site and talked with all of my friends here over the years. I doubt there has ever been a day when I did not learn something new from talking with friends on here. A major lesson from talking with friends here is that everything that I thought no one could understand some of the things that I had experienced with my Epilepsy, because they were things that are not talked about in any of those books and other official documents with regards to Epilepsy, but I have yet to find one that I do not have at least one friend on here has not already experienced too. And though I would like to take all of the bad memories and suffering that my friends have and continue to do because of Epilepsy and all that comes with it, I am appreciative that I have someone who I can talk about those more unique experiences, seizure variants, etc. with friends who have (and still do) endure them as do I. It is not from the perspective (Misery Likes Company), but rather having a friend or family member to talk with to help me through the challenges. That is the most important gift that this site is to me. And when I can use my Interlibrary Loan and research experience to find the up-to-date facts about Epilepsy and everything else that friends have questions about, then it is a gift to me (empathic heart) when I am able to do this for friends and family. It took me until last year (I cannot even remember when it was when I came on this site the first time) to finally realize that one of the reasons that GOD performed the miracles over the years (especially 2003-2005) to keep me alive and my brain functioning as good as it does, is so that I can help friends find those important details to help them when talking with neurologists/epileptologists and all of the other professionals that we need to help us. Thus, thank you is not needed when I am able to find some details for you, because this is very helpful to me--giving some happiness to the mind of an empath. Too much of what is going on in this world takes away so much and is so sad, that it provides psychological suffering for me. It honestly hurts me more to hear about one of you suffering than for me to experience it myself. I know that GOD is all-knowing and does not make mistakes, but I still wonder why me. Why has HE ensured that I have never broken a bone (except those 6 shattered teeth) in all of my years with Epilepsy while so many of you have had such brutal damage from the falls. The pain I feel because of being an empath might be why GOD doesn't have me have the additional physical pain from the damage from the falls.
Sharing experience with others is helpful for learning to cope with life challenges. Acceptance is step one. I feel I can help someone with epilepsy who has suffered the same problems which I have overcome. I have much more to learn also. My life has changed drastically and I'm taking steps to make small changes to improve my lifestyle.
One breath One moment One step forward. Living in the moment and acceptance of unwanted changes has made me feel better.Josie and I take every step together with much faith and trust in GOD 👣🐾🐾
I’m in the Pacific time zone if it matters.
But for topics I’d like to discuss relationships personal and work.
Triggers and is there mord we can do to avoid them?
Are You Skilled In The Use Of ZOOM, Skype, Google Meet, Or Any Of The Other Meeting Sites/apps That Offer Free Meeting Options?
Who Would Be Willing To Be Part Of A ZOOM Meeting(s) To Have Real Time Discussions Among Friends To Get To Know Each Other Better?
I Would Like To Ask How Many Of You Would Be Interested In Like A Zoom Or Some Type Of Meeting Site That We Could Schedule Meetings Online ?